Local Elections and Action Required

Consequences of November 2023 Elections and Actions we NEED to do as local Taypayers!

As you will find out at the link above, Butler county has the 4th highest Property Taxes in the State!  The top 3 are in the northeast corner of the state.Johnson, Leavenworth, and Miami counties lead the pack.


WHY IS THIS?  BUT THIS ISN'T THE WORSE OF IT!  IN BUTLER COUNTY, AUGUSTA HAS THE HIGHEST, for example;  When you enter a $400,000 home in the calculator IN BUTLER COUNTY, you will see the property taxes are $5880.00 a year, but in Augusta that $400,000 home is $7614.00 per year!  That is $1734.00 more per year!! 


WHY IS THIS?  There are only two reasons for this, since county wide we all pay the same for county amenities, but each city is different because of CITY AND SCHOOL BUDGETS AND SPENDING!  THE CITY AND USD 402 MAKE-UP 70% OF YOUR PROPERTY TAXES!!!


AUGUSTA IS OUT OF CONTROL AND MUST BE STOPPED!  That's why it is so important for the citizens of Augusta to step-up and be WATCHDOGS of the City Council and USD 402!  Both are out of control when it comes to spending.  IT MUST BE STOPPED!


If the spending doesn't slow and give the taxpayers a break, drastic measures may be needed to stop it before more residents are forced to sell and move out of their homes.  "Recalls of elected officials" are becoming a trend across the country for this reason.


Residents of over spending localities are recalling the ones that are constantly voting for spending and tax increases.  A procedure will be published on this website in the near future.  It is fairly easy to "Recall an Elected Official."  Don't think for one minute you don't have any control of these people, FOR. YOU DO HAVE!

Augusta City Council

Results from our November elections have not changed our tax situations as taxpayers in Augusta, or Butler County.  The take-aways were not impressive, for us who wanted property tax relief.  We lost a City Councilman who voted the majority of time, for no tax increase and lost another councilman that did vote most of the time for higher taxes.  The three new members, Shawn Davis and Shane Scott, both downtown business owners. and Jake Marr,  a councilman prior to his move to a new ward.  Their votes need to be watched closely over the coming months and year.   At this time. the only proven empathy councilman for resident's taxes is Mike Martin, 1st Ward councilman.  WATCH ALL COUNCILMAN'S RESULTS OF VOTING AND KEEP TRACK OF THEIR VOTING. GO TO CITY'S WEBSITE AND CONTACT THEM WHEN THEY NEED TALKING TO.  CITY COUNCIL

Also watch council meetings via uTube

School Board USD 402

The Board members are all the same before November's election.  Preparation needs to start now, replacing these tax and spend members.  These are the most out-of-control spenders in our county.  Their history of spending is unbelievable!  Start looking for good conservative replacements now!  As you can see above, Their taxes are 36% of the total property taxes that you pay!

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"Shining Light of Augusta"