USD 402 listed 3 different budgets on the County's Hearing Print out. All 3 are exceeding the Revenue Neutral rate. Two are at at 10% increase and one is at 12.50% increase. We have been told they have alreaday voted to exceed the Revenue Neutral rate. The only Hearing left is September 11, at 6:30 P.M. 2345 Greyhound Dr. Sounds like the Board is full of tax and spent members! If they voted to exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate, they have already voted to raise your taxes! Notice that 4 At Large Candidates are running for re-election this Novemeber. All were re-elected this past November of 2023.
USD 402 IS RESPONSIBLE For 1/2 of every dollar spent on property taxes
All members voted to raise your taxes for the next 4 years! Call the ones responsbile and ask them why? Contact @
Jim Brown
At Large Candidate for
General Election November 2023
Voted to Raise Your Taxes
Instead of Raising Our Taxes, these Board Members need to be monitoring our children's progress and what they are being taught! Call them and ask them how we rank in scholastic rankings, State wide and National wide? When was the last time they checked the books in our school libaries?
Moms for Liberty is an excellent group that needs to be started here in Augusta, Kansas. Let's hope there are moms here in this school district that are concerned enough to start-up a chapter.
USD 402 Augusta School District Budget Hearing 9/11/2023
54.652 Mill Rate Revenue Neutral Rate (No Property Tax Increase)
59.575 Mill Rate Voted to RAISE Your Property Taxes
Spending Increase $9,021,283 or 20%
Salary Increase 5.9%
Board Members Voting YES to Raise Property Tax and Increased Spending
Doug Law
Carey Lee
Amy Wells
Jim Brown
Angie Johnston
Susan Hostetter
Darrel Kohls