Possible Conflicts of Interest

To City Council and City Administration


I am writing to address several matters related to transparency 

nd ethical considerations involving city council members, the API, and recent activities that may raise questions among the public. These concerns involve financial ties, meeting arrangements, and the need for clear communication to maintain public trust. Below are the specific points I wish to highlight:


1. Disclosure of Loans

It is my recommendation that any loans provided to city council 

members by API or related entities be fully disclosed to the public. This is particularly important when the individual has multiple outstanding financial obligations and serves on both the council and the board of a 501(c) organization. Transparency in such cases is crucial to avoid conflicts of interest or perceptions thereof. Specifically:

  • A 0% loan and a 4% loan have been noted, along with questions about a 2% loan connected to "Bungee Fit."
  • Any ties between these loans and council members, including Mr. Scott, should be made clear to the public.

2. Purpose and Beneficiaries of API Meetings

There is a need for clarification regarding the monthly lunch meetings addressed to API, particularly as the City Mayor, City Manager, and City Assistant Manager also participate. While these meetings may serve valuable purposes, the financial or operational connections to city governance are unclear. For the sake of transparency, the following should be addressed:

  • Do participants, including council members, receive financial or other benefits from these meetings?

3. Recent Council Discussions

During the last council meeting, a subject introduced by Mr. Scott was later withdrawn by him, as well as by API President Jake Marr, who also serves on the city council. This raises questions about the subject matter and its potential implications. A detailed explanation would help the public understand the rationale for its withdrawal and assure them of the council’s integrity.


4. Meeting Locations and Inclusivity

Historically, API meetings were held at the Train Station, which offered adequate space and neutrality. While current meetings may also be suitable, it is worth considering whether other venues—such as local restaurants—could provide a similar level of privacy and accommodation. This could also foster inclusivity and ensure that no single venue or business is perceived as receiving preferential treatment.

5. Recognition of Donors to Downtown Sound System

Finally, I would like to inquire whether a plaque or similar recognition exists to honor the individuals and companies that contributed to the downtown sound system. Acknowledging these contributions publicly is an important way to show gratitude and encourage continued community support.



To maintain transparency and public trust, I urge the council and related entities to address these concerns directly and openly. Clear communication about loans, meeting purposes, and ethical considerations will help ensure that the public remains confident in their leaders. Additionally, recognizing community contributions and fostering inclusivity in meeting arrangements will further demonstrate the council’s commitment to fairness.


Thank you for your attention to these matters. I look forward to your response and any steps taken to address these concerns.


Sincerely, Troy Palmer


Hello everyone…


Please see the attached API Agenda for Wednesday’s meeting to be held at Sugar Shane’s at 12;00 noon.  We have Board Officer Elections this meeting and we plan on ending within an hour.


If you are receiving this email for the first time, YOU HAVE BEEN INVITED TO ATTEND!  Please come and see what can potentially happen in our community...


Thanks – Kevin





Board of Directors Meeting – January 08, 2025

Sugar Shane’s Café – 12:00 pm



  • Call to Order – Annual Meeting    


  • Special Guests


  • Approval of Minutes – December 04, 2024 Meeting


  • Treasurer’s Report  ( Chad & Kevin )
    • API Report – November 2024
    • Frisco Shops Report – November 2024
    • API – IRS 501c3 Designation Update
    • Augusta E-Community Loan Updates
  • Augusta Community Foundation Update  ( Joe )
    • ACF - Minutes 12-2024


  • Board of Directors ( Kevin )
    • New Board (effective 01.08.25):
      • 1 Year:   Mark McCollom, Jake Marr, Joe Terick
      • 2 Years:  Kevin Unrein, Buddy Willis, Chad Cowen
      • 3 Years:  Connie Thurman, Eric Grooms, Doug Law


  • Nominations from Previous Meeting:  Board of Director Positions. ( Kevin )
    • President:      Jake Marr                         Vice President:     Kevin Unrein                   
    • Treasure:       Chad Cowen                  Secretary:              Connie Thurman


  • Outgoing Comments and Handoff  ( Kevin )


  • City of Augusta Update  ( Josh )
    • Walnut & Ohio Improvements
    • Other Items of Interest


  • Updates
    • Go Augusta!
    • Network Kansas
    • City Update
    • School District
    • Butler Community College


  • Meeting Adjournment - Next Meeting:  February 05, 2025 – 12:00 pm – Sugar Shane’s Café






Augusta Loans - 112024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [54.1 KB]
11. Frisco Shops, LLC - November 2024 Fi[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [3.0 MB]
API Minutes - 12-04-2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [135.5 KB]
11. API - November 2024 Financials (2).p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [3.3 MB]
Augusta Loans - 112024 (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [54.1 KB]

Key Factors to Consider:

  1. Dual Roles and Decision-Making:
    • If the councilman is involved in decisions as part of the city council that could directly or indirectly benefit the 501(c)(3) organization, this could create a conflict of interest.
  2. Financial Relationship (Loans):
    • Loans from the 501(c)(3) to the councilman create a financial interest. This could raise concerns about whether the councilman’s decisions as a city official are unduly influenced by this financial relationship.
    • Transparency is critical, and some jurisdictions require officials to disclose financial ties to organizations they are associated with.
  3. City Manager Involvement:
    • If the city manager, who reports to the city council, is also involved with the 501(c)(3), it could create a perception of undue influence or blurred lines between city business and the nonprofit's activities.
    • This is especially concerning if the city manager’s participation is connected to their role as a public servant.
  4. Ethics Laws and Policies:
    • Many jurisdictions have ethics laws or codes of conduct that prohibit public officials from participating in decisions where they have a financial or personal interest.

Steps to Address Potential Conflicts:

  1. Disclosure:
    • The councilman should publicly disclose their role in the 501(c)(3) and the existence of loans to avoid any appearance of impropriety.
  2. Recusal:
    • The councilman should recuse themselves from any city council discussions, votes, or decisions that involve the 501(c)(3) to prevent actual or perceived conflicts of interest.
  3. Ethics Review:
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